For the second consecutive year, the first copy of Fantasy Football Index was to the summit of Mailbox Peak by Eric and Alex Mischke, Fantasy Index's director and deputy director of alpine logistics.

The first copy was claimed Saturday by Brent and Zach Roberts, who presented the magazine as a Fathers Day gift to Stan Roberts of Kirkland, Wash.

Mailbox Peak is a 4,841 foot mountain in the Washington state's central Cascades mountain range. At the peak's summit is a mailbox (and also a fire hydrant). Climbers traditionally leave a package in the mailbox, and take a package left by a previous climber. The hike up the peak is grueling, gaining 3,900 feet in approximately 2.5 miles. From the summit hikers can see from Mount Baker to Mount Rainier and into Eastern Washington -- if the weather cooperates.

However, Saturday's delivery was more of a "neither rain nor snow nor dead of night" affair. Eric Mischke reported "The wind was blowing, it was raining and freezing, we needed to get off the ridge. My right hand was so frozen I couldn't work my phone." He added "I'm not sure (I will) do it again (next year). If I do it would have to be a clear, dry day for the view payoff at the top."

Subscriber copies of Fantasy Football Index ordered prior to June 15 are expected to be delivered by mail approximately June 25-30, 2016. Copies ordered after June 14 should be delivered in the first few days of July. Copies will be delivered to newsstands between July 5-8, 2016.