Since Christine Michael's stellar August, the Seahawks have talked regularly about having a one-two punch with Thomas Rawls. After the final exhibition, we wondered which back would be the one. Pete Carroll is hinting that at the start of the year, it will be Michael.

"He's ready in the next couple weeks to get back in where he can start a game, take a game over and do all of the things that he can do," Carroll said. "It's still time to take care of him as we get him back."

That makes it sound like Carroll believes it will be a couple weeks before Rawls is in the starting lineup; they're going to bring him along slowly. So look for Michael to be the first back on the field against Miami, and Rawls to be the backup.

"You don’t want to rush him," continued Carroll. "This is his second preseason game in a sense, as far as relative to the other guys. So we’ll see how he does."

In the unlikely event anyone is counting on Jimmy Graham in a Week 1 lineup, best not to. Carroll concedes that he's "not counting" on Graham playing, which from a cockeyed optimist like Carroll seems to be a clear statement that there's no chance he'll be out there. Luke Willson will start in his place, and maybe we'll see Graham in Week 2. Maybe.

--Andy Richardson